The best cooking class in Marrakech

Cooking class Marrakech with Fatiha and Samira

Choosing a  cooking class Marrakech can be a challenge!!
Are you ready to start the challenge?

Our cooking class story

Delicious Story

Our story began with a big passion of our Moroccan kitchen with many delicious meals, that’s why we will  let you dive with us to know the real secret.

We meet you at the old Medina to pick you up to our place , and then the adventures start with the chef and the translator

They All Love Our Class

They want share their experiences with you.

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Our Cooking Class Menu

What will be you meal class

The entrance


Zaalouk is a Moroccan cooked salad of eggplants and tomatoes that’s usually eaten as a dip with Moroccan bread.


The grilled bell peppers add a delicate smokiness to the salad that is perfectly balanced by the natural sweetness of the tomatoes.

Main menu

Moroccan Tajin

A tagine or tagine or tadjine is just as much a cooking and serving dish, wide and shallow topped with a conical lid in terracotta sometimes glazed as a culinary preparation cooked in this utensil


Moroccan Couscous

Moroccan couscous is a culinary specialty of the Maghreb. It represents a simple mixture of two main dishes. This is wheat semolina cooked in a steamed couscoussier and a fatty substance that can be either butter or generally olive oil


Moroccan cookies with tea

Moroccan pomegranate and yogurt

Download the recipe

Feel free to download our Moroccan meal recipe at your convenience and prepare it yourself. Our primary principle is to foster sharing and empower individuals to cook independently. 
Click the link below to access the PDF.
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