How to make Pastilla?

Pastilla is a traditional Moroccan dish, a perfect combination of salty and sweet flavors. To prepare pastilla you need to follow some steps. It's well worth the effort to make it. Heat the oil in a large frying pan, add the chicken until crisped up,add some butter and the onions and fry them gently then add the garlic with spices and add water then cover the pan for about one hour. add the eggs to the cooking liquid,add sugar or dates prepare the amond and start with taking a sheet of filo and brush it with butter then put on another one gently then the mixture of chicken and almond, repeat the step of filo when you finish this process put it in the oven with 180° for about 30 minutes.Remove from the oven and allow to cool a little before dusting it with the icing sugar and cinnamon.

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